Azinheira – Quercus rotundifolia
Qualities of the essence
It teaches how to nourish and mother oneself on all levels.
It invites is to notice what is on the ground / under the ground and to become rooted and grounded on the earth. To notice our own roots, and our depths.
It supports one to find stability during times of change or upset or trauma. To let go of what is unnecessary and discover our stable core, our balance point. Draws one back into ones self.
Weakness, floatiness, wavering, too much movement, disconnection, being pulled this way and that, lack of clear sense of self, lack of self-care. Support for meditation.
Tree characteristics
The Holm Oak, or Azinheira as it is known in Portugal, is a slow growing, sprawling evergreen oak. When it has space, its branches spread wide and low.
It is resilient and drought resistant. It is a prolific producer of large acorns which are sometimes sweet and can be eaten like chestnuts without having to leach out the tannins. In the Alentejo, pigs are sent in amongst these oaks when the acorns lie on the ground to fatten them up.
The tree also provides protective shade for people and animals in the hot Alentejo summer. And provides the best slow-burning logs for the fire.

Essence making notes
7th May 2018
I start making the essence quite early on a hot May morning, welcoming the shade of this tree hidden at the bottom of the dam. All around is a meadow of tall grasses, lupins, clovers and other wild flowers – a sea of colour. Its hard to find a place to set down the water bowl where it will not get shaded by the grasses.
The tree’s energy feels grounding and nourishing, offering stability and sustenance. Its wide branches are like arms spreading wide to embrace me, drawing me in.
In contrast, the Holm Oak flowers are clusters of delicate hanging yellow-green droplets, quivering in the breeze.
The branches of the tree reach downwards to meet the earth, creating a cool dome-like refuge. It has the feeling of a strong mother, and on a spiritual level invites us to rest in our own “inner cave”. The energy is yin – drawing from outer to inner, from above to below.
These spreading branches often break off as they bow down out of the sides reaching towards the ground. This reflects its supporting energy for letting go of what no longer serves us, so we can be centred in our core and adapt smoothly to change.
I sense how in times of scarcity it has assuaged hunger with its generous acorn fall.
As the oak leads me deeper into myself I can feel its unique offering of wisdom. I feel its roots rooting me into my stable core and from here a channel opens up from my heart centre to the tree, and I feel information passing into me from the tree. A download.
I feel held by the earth, I am allowed to rest, calm, in the knowingness of my being.
By the time I remove the flowers from the water, it is almost midday and hot. The mother essence is yellow in colour and sparkling in the sun.

Immediate feeling of being even more grounded than normal. Very dense sensation of rooting through legs and hips. Then a steady resonance of natural strength and robustness rising up to the heart and out to the hands……
……. My teaching was very rooted and grounded, so that was the theme of the day’s classes. Very full classes today.
Realised that the quality of the essence “made with love and pure intent” is very important. That’s why it is different compared to the commercial remedies and essences.
I can feel the resonance of incoming love and compassion from both the tree and Clare.
The essence had a very strong effect on an energetic level for me. I felt it mainly on that energetic level, besides the strong changes in dreaming,
From the first day on I felt a trembling/ very fine shaking – mainly in my chest area and a bit in the torso (not the legs, arms, head).
It felt as if something was shaken up, was brought in a certain vibration , trembling – and that trembling stayed during the whole time of the trial. The trembling or shaking felt quit strong, sometimes uncomfortable – I felt much more delicate and vulnerable – as I described. It felt as if it touched/opened something inside of me, like a channel, with great depth – as if it was touching/going to some roots /essence…
– I felt very calm and grounded during those 2 weeks.
– Deeper awareness around the deeper lying causes of my emotions.
– I felt very connected with myself and so very contented.
– Such a wonderful gift, thank you so much, I felt like the tree spirit was with me over the time.