Monte da Vida is a place for maximising our experience of life, through developing a grounded and harmonious relationship with the earth, and by supporting the release of limiting beliefs and ideas that prevent us from experiencing more joy and freedom.

About Us

The Monte da Vida project is about being fully alive. So all activities are focused around finding ways to support all of us being more alive.

This means living fully to our highest potential as human beings, as well as increasing the life in the soils and the ecosystem of the land itself.

What is Meditation?

Calming, breathing, centering or presence practices that help you relax and be present are often called meditation, and this often includes many varied disciplines such as dance, Tai Chi and Chi Gong. Our understanding of meditation is that these practices (calming/presence etc) form the groundwork for meditation, but are not meditation in and of themselves.

Meditation for us is the ‘trained ability to enter and transform blocked and fixated places in the body-mind, and to release them so they are permanently gone’.

Weekly Classes in Taoist Energy Practises and Meditation

At Monte da Vida:

Monday 11am – Tai Chi with Servan

Friday 11 am – Qigong / Taoist Breathing  with Clare
Friday 12 pm – Presence Practices and Meditation with Servan

Contact us for more details


Regenerative Land Stewardship

We are restoring life to the soil, improving the water retention capacity of the land,  increasing the biodiversity of our forest, and creating a conservation area for wildlife. 

Read More …..


We offer you the opportunity to balance your environmental impact through the Earthlife Re-balance  program. This includes carbon offsetting, but goes beyond solely focusing on carbon.

Find out how you can support our work, whilst balancing your relationship with the earth.




We have been developing products that we can make in collaboration with the land, that can support our regeneration efforts, as well as giving us some income.


Forest Alchemy

Our first product range is  Forest Alchemy, a range of Tree Essences and Hydrosol distillates from wild aromatic plants.

Read about Clare’s journey in making these here.

Wood for Life

Servan has been making benches from wood harvested on the land.

Benches can be ordered via the Earthlife  Goods Shop or can be made to order to your specification. Contact us for more details and prices.

Our products are distributed by Earthlife Goods Ltd,  a company which supports regenerative forest stewardship by marketing and selling “goods from the woods”

Latest News

Big Construction!

We are excited to be in the completion stage of  the  central house at Monte da Vida, on the site of the old ruin. The house contains a large round meditation and training hall, a spacious kitchen and dining area, a guest suite, and plenty of storage.

As you can see from the picture, it is wood framed. The walls are light straw clay, using clay from our land here, with granulated cork added to the mix. The foundations are stone. Like most of the buildings here it is an ecological and natural building.

Treatments and Coaching Sessions

Here at Monte da Vida, we offer various healing modalities, and transformational coaching. Get in touch if you would like to book a session. If you live locally we may be able to come to you. The coaching can also be done in an online meeting.

Find out more…..

Old as I am in age, I have no feeling that I have ceased to grow inwardly or that my growth will stop at the dissolution of my flesh. What I am concerned with is my readiness to obey the call of Truth, my God, from moment to moment, no matter how inconsistent it may appear. My commitment is to Truth, not to consistency.

~ Mohandas Gandhi 

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