We offer you the opportunity to balance your environmental impact through the Earthlife Re-balance program. This includes carbon offsetting, but goes beyond solely focusing on carbon.

Planting trees
With the Re-balance program we will plant trees for you so you can offset carbon. Or you can come and plant your own, and Re-connect by spending some time in the forest finding your own roots in the earth and rebalancing yourself as well.

Its about more than carbon....
We believe that carbon sequestration is one part of balancing the impact of our actions, however it needs to be part of a wider and deeper commitment to change. We also focus on biodiversity, soil restoration, erosion prevention, water conservation, rural livelihoods, earth-connection, heart-centred action and finding internal balance.
Trees we plant
There are different categories of tree we plant here.
Most common are the native trees. These can be larger overstory trees, and smaller understory more shrubby trees, including:
Cork Oak
Holm Oak
Sweet Chestnut
English Oak
Portuguese Oak
Pyrennean Oak
Strawberry tree
Pistacia (Mastic) – Pistacia lentiscus
Hawthorn –
Judas Tree
2. NON-NATIVE TREES that are suited to this ecosystem and are drought resilient, and multifunctional.
Nettle Tree
Bride Tree
Mexican Cedar
We are planting a wide variety of these, to add to those that were already here… including:
Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lime
Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Plum
Avocado, Guava, Araça
Walnut, Almond, Pistachio, Pecan

English Oak – Quercus robur.

Ash – Fraxinus

Fig – Ficus carica

Strawberry tree – Arbutus unedo

Judas Tree – Cercis siliquastrum

Sweet Chestnut – Castanea sativa

Juniper – Juniperus
Regenerative land care
There are other actions we are taking to improve soils, capture carbon, and increase water retention and biodiversity. These include:
Wood Chipping and mulching
Making and using Biochar and Bokashi
Nitrogen-fixing cover crops
Water retention measures
No heavy machines. No ploughing.
Selective clearing of the land
Maintaining wild areas with limited human intervention
Collecting forest seeds from here and from other lands in the area for sowing.
Heart-to-heart funding
The Re-balance program is an invitation to contribute to the vision we hold for ourselves and others on this planet.
Our program is based on trust and building heart-centred networks of abundance.
We are not currently undertaking any carbon measurements, and rather than using this as a measure of our impact, we will share our living journey as we regenerate the land, and as we understand our impact. We will share this transparently, taking you with us as we track this journey and ensuring you and those around you, will have a well rounded understanding of your impact.
As this project grows and expands so will our measurement system balancing impact and outcome.
How to join the program
Head over to the Earthlife Re-balance page where you can calculate your carbon footprint, and find out how you can contribute.
Keep checking back for updates, and news about events related to the program.
Our supporters

Nina Cejnar
Impact Investing & Emotional Intelligence Coach with GoldenDeer
“I am off-setting all my flights with Re-balance as I fully believe in their holistic vision that combines healthy living of people with a healthy nature. What I find most unique is the depths of connection and care for the land by Monte da Vida team. I am very grateful to be able to participate in that through my carbon off-sets. It brings me joy!”