Landscape Essence
Unlike the tree essences in the Forest Alchemy range, Moondew was made with the intent to capture the energetic frequency of the whole landscape here at Monte da Vida.
This landscape is made from clay and schist hills, with veins of white quartz. The slopes are steep – eroded over many years. In summer it is hot and dry, but in winter and spring turns green with the rains. It can be a place of harsh extremes, yet also has a softness in its rounded hills and in the yin spaces of its deep valleys. The main centre of Monte da Vida is located on a ridge, surrounded by hills that hold it and contain the space.

Essence making notes
05 May 2023
I had listened to an interview with another Flower Essence maker (Judith Poelarends of Akaskan Essences), and part of the discussion talked about the idea of the ‘Landscpae Essence’ – a type of Environmental Essence that transmits the elemental and spiritual energies of place. At this moment I felt some excitement to make such as essence. It is as though the ‘spirit of the land’ made contact at that moment and invited my participation in a co-creation.
Rather than adding flowers to the essence bowl and leaving it in the sun to infuse the energies into the water, I decided to leave the bowl out over night under the full moon and invited the elemental energies of the landscape into the bowl. In the morning when I returned there had been a heavy dew, and dewdrops had formed around the top of the bowl and rolled into the water. I named the essence Moondew.
(The collecting of dew was the first recorded method of making flower essences in Europe – used by the German nun Hildegard von Bingen in the 12th Century, and Swiss doctor and botanist Paracelsus in the 16th century. However this healing method was probably used in many cultures prior to this.)
This essence was made on the night of the full moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on 5th May, and although this Penumbral eclipse was not really visible in south Portugal, it still amplified the energies of this full moon. If you are into astrology – here is one summary
That night I tuned in further into this sense of the spirit of the landscape and felt a deepening of my connection with the land. Something new and unknown being communicated. A sense of sinking deeper into unity with the land. A very Yin experience of sinking and merging. And of a deeper listening.
I felt a slowing down of time, an invitation to just BE, and an acceptance of whatever conditions presented; a patience with nature’s rhythms and pace as the Earth moves through its cycles over millenia.

Qualities of the essence
Brings light, clarity, contentment, and general sense of relaxation and openess. A powerful Yin catalyst and support for inner shifts. Get’s you out of your head. Encourages co-creation with nature. Supports balance, stillness and strength. Can help one slow down or speed up time, or explore time-consciousness in general.
Support and calmness for times of change and movement. Energetic booster in times when you feel stuck. Meditation support. Brings presence and patience. For those who feel disconnected from themselves or from the earth. As a booster when added to other essences or essence blends.